As you go about your usual daily schedule. Put this thought in your mind, what if this is the last time that I will do this. Am I ready to face what comes next. Heaven or Hell? That is the big question that we all have thought about at one time or another in our lives. Well, ladies and gentlemen it is something that we are going to have to settle first for we do not no when or where death is. Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly, but not just to have it to live for ourselves and our own families. He wants us to share our lives with others. So, before it is to late give your life to him; take the time and pray and reverence him. He is the one who gave you that job, that family and that car. May God Bless and protect you today and always.
By Stephanie Duke
Have you had your break today? Said your prayers and made
your dares. Have you taken time to thank God for the dime
you made? Well, take a break, and do what it is going to take.
Take to stay alive, take to survive, and take to get around the
curves. Take to keep your nerves. A break is what you are
craving, so get in the gravy.
A break would be on time, a break is not drinking wine.
So, take a break, have a
pieces of cake, put on your make-up, and eat your whole
steak up. Put God in front of you and people will not run
over you. Have you had your break today? A break is
smelling flowers; a break is looking down from a tower. A break will
relieve you; on your break he will receive you.
Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew, 6:11