Hello, to all my friends and family and bloggers fans, I would like to welcome you to my word playground. Come in sit awhile,talk to me and I will talk back.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


What's it like being a Christian? One may think that all you have to do to be a Christian is give your life to the Lord.  That is part of it, because salvation is free; but we must do something to maintain it.  First of all we absolutely must pray and I mean constantly.  As the word says "man must pray continually, that means every day every hour.  Even when we sleep; it you do not believe me how many of you out there has at one time are another experience an attack of the enemy in your sleep? The only thing that I found that counteracts those attacks is to pray.  Even it you can only manage to say the name Jesus.  It is a blessing to be a Christian, but it is not always easy.  A Christian encounters more problems than a person who does not believe in Christ does.  Simply because the devil hates Christians.  He is afraid of them, so he constantly is trying to trick them or trap them in some way.  He does this so that he can stop what God wants to do in the earth with his children; and in the process if he can steal a soul, all the better for him.  I can say one thing, I would not trade being a Christian for anything, because even thou it is hard at times, Jesus always has my back.  So, I challenge you today to cry out to the Lord and ask him to save you.  In doing so, you will reap many blessings. God Bless you all!