Hi everyone, I pray that your day is going well. Let us take a moment out of our busy schedule and pause for a while. Look around, sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives, that we forget that there or other people who maybe facing the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job. They may not have enough money to even buy food with. So, let me inspire you to visit a friend today, reach out to your neighbors. Check on the elderly, share your food with a stranger. Pray for our nation, every little bit helps. The word tells us that we are our brothers keeper. If we help someone up, someone will help us up. God Bless! See you tomorrow. Here is a little inspiration, a poem from my book "No Separate Roses" by Stephanie Duke:
By Stephanie Duke
Hey, world look up, dying and lying in the streets. How
long do they have to weep? Hey world look up, stop trying to
book up, dying and lying in the streets. Mommas and daddies
must reap. Hey world look up now is not the time to get
struck up, dying and lying in the streets. No place for them to
Hey world look up, look to get hooked up, dying and
lying in the streets. You know the places were they meet.
“Hey world, what’s up, don’t you want to clean this mess
up?” Dying and lying in the streets, no place for them to
keep. Hey, world look up, aren’t you tired of being took up.
Dying and lying in the streets, we can make it better with our
“Together we can make a better place” Michael Jackson
(Heal The world)
If you want more, you can purchase "No Separate Roses" at this link www.amazon.com
or www.barnesandnoble.com