Hello, to all my friends and family and bloggers fans, I would like to welcome you to my word playground. Come in sit awhile,talk to me and I will talk back.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pamper Money

What mother or father, doesn't need pamper money?  With children there is always something that a parent needs.  In this day and age, it is hard just to put food on the table for our children.  We are constantly trying to think up ways to make money to provide for our family's needs.  That brings me to the subject of my son, he has two children.  His idea to earn money for pampers for his baby girl was to make a music CD called pamper money.  Which I think is pretty good.  He is a very talent rapper/R&B singer, you can find his CD "Pamper money" on sale at the following link, or just Google pamper money by Yuung Walt, with two u's.  God Bless everyone!

Monday, July 25, 2011

payday loans

Our discussion for today is payday loans, nice to get when you find yourself lacking in funds.  However, they can get you in some trouble if you are not careful.  I have had my share of them believe me, at this very moment I have one pending and been trying to get another.  See what I mean trouble, but I think that they are great for short term use.  The only problem with me it turns into a long term, but all in all their great for emergencies, and when you need to pay bank fees or just need food for the week.  I am not mad at you Mr. payday, see you next month. If there is anyone out there who has a better solution to lack of funds, please let me know. In the mean time here are a few books to check out.  Peace

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heartbreak Hotel

Who in life, has not at one time or another been faced with heartbreak brought on by a love one.  For instance, you are a 53 year old women, and you are graduating from college and you want all your friends and family there to celebrate with you.  One problem, one of your son's forgets about your upcoming graduation and books an out of town trip with his wife and children without telling you.  What a bomber that is, you could be childish and say, well I just want have a party it's no fun without them.  Especially, when you are also trying to celebrate the son's birthday and his wife's and  their little son's birthday.  Which are all in the same month; but I want, I will just suck it up and hope for the best.  My motto is "Put it in the Lord's hands and he will work it out.  I refuse to let anyone rain on my parade I worked 3 long years for this and I will enjoy my graduation and we will still celebrate their birthday's even thou they want be there.  Love ya! mother is taking the high road.  Like Michael says "you got to keep the faith"

Friday, July 22, 2011

"No Separate Roses"

As most of you have gathered, I started this blog to promote my book.  "No separate roses", but there is one thing that I want everyone to know.  Sure, it would be great to gain acknowledgement for my writing and monetary value.  But, that is not the only reason I wrote "No Separate Roses", I wrote it because I have a sincere desire for my fellow man.  I see and feel the pain around me, because of that I wanted everyone to know that there is a solution and his name is Jesus.  Because I am saved, I have peace about the situation that the world around me in going through.  Sure, I am also affected by the fact that the price of living is raising out of control and our economy is in a mess.  My point is if you are in Jesus, he gives you everything that you need.  There is hope for tomorrow, he says in his word, if my people which are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, I would hear from heaven and heal the land.  Jesus is the answer to poverty, lack, homeless and sickness.  Read John 3:16 and Romans 10:9 today.  God Bless and do not stress.  Love, to all

Thursday, July 21, 2011


What's it like being a Christian? One may think that all you have to do to be a Christian is give your life to the Lord.  That is part of it, because salvation is free; but we must do something to maintain it.  First of all we absolutely must pray and I mean constantly.  As the word says "man must pray continually, that means every day every hour.  Even when we sleep; it you do not believe me how many of you out there has at one time are another experience an attack of the enemy in your sleep? The only thing that I found that counteracts those attacks is to pray.  Even it you can only manage to say the name Jesus.  It is a blessing to be a Christian, but it is not always easy.  A Christian encounters more problems than a person who does not believe in Christ does.  Simply because the devil hates Christians.  He is afraid of them, so he constantly is trying to trick them or trap them in some way.  He does this so that he can stop what God wants to do in the earth with his children; and in the process if he can steal a soul, all the better for him.  I can say one thing, I would not trade being a Christian for anything, because even thou it is hard at times, Jesus always has my back.  So, I challenge you today to cry out to the Lord and ask him to save you.  In doing so, you will reap many blessings. God Bless you all!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let's Get Inspired

Hi everyone, I pray that your day is going well.  Let us take a moment out of our busy schedule and pause for a while.  Look around, sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives, that we forget that there or other people who maybe facing the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job.  They may not have enough money to even buy food with.  So, let me inspire you to visit a friend today, reach out to your neighbors.  Check on the elderly, share your food with a stranger. Pray for our nation, every little bit helps.  The word tells us that we are our brothers keeper.  If we help someone up, someone will help us up.  God Bless! See you tomorrow.  Here is a little inspiration, a poem from my book "No Separate Roses" by Stephanie Duke:

By Stephanie Duke
Hey, world look up, dying and lying in the streets. How
long do they have to weep? Hey world look up, stop trying to
book up, dying and lying in the streets. Mommas and daddies
must reap. Hey world look up now is not the time to get
struck up, dying and lying in the streets. No place for them to
Hey world look up, look to get hooked up, dying and
lying in the streets. You know the places were they meet.
“Hey world, what’s up, don’t you want to clean this mess
up?” Dying and lying in the streets, no place for them to
keep. Hey, world look up, aren’t you tired of being took up.
Dying and lying in the streets, we can make it better with our
“Together we can make a better place” Michael Jackson
(Heal The world)

If you want more, you can purchase "No Separate Roses" at this link www.amazon.com 
or www.barnesandnoble.com

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thought For Today

As you go about your usual daily schedule.  Put this thought in your mind, what if this is the last time that I will do this.  Am I ready to face what comes next.  Heaven or Hell? That is the big question that we all have thought about at one time or another in our lives.  Well, ladies and gentlemen it is something that we are going to have to settle first for we do not no when or where death is.  Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly, but not just to have it to live for ourselves and our own families.  He wants us to share our lives with others.  So, before it is to late give your life to him; take the time and pray and reverence him.  He is the one who gave you that job, that family and that car.  May God Bless and protect you today and always.

By Stephanie Duke
Have you had your break today? Said your prayers and made
your dares. Have you taken time to thank God for the dime
you made? Well, take a break, and do what it is going to take.
Take to stay alive, take to survive, and take to get around the
curves. Take to keep your nerves. A break is what you are
craving, so get in the gravy.
A break would be on time, a break is not drinking wine.
So, take a break, have a
pieces of cake, put on your make-up, and eat your whole
steak up. Put God in front of you and people will not run
over you. Have you had your break today? A break is
smelling flowers; a break is looking down from a tower. A break will
relieve you; on your break he will receive you.

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew, 6:11

Monday, July 18, 2011

A brand new day

when I first woke up this morning, I was feeling kind of low.  Then I realize with the help of my oldest son, that life is good and it is a blessing to be alive.  He reminded me that God is on my side, just like he is on the side of the whole world.  He proves that every time he gives us a brand new day.  Today is a day of blessings, no matter what is going on in our lives we can still depend on God making away for his children.  God Bless America! If I were you I would pass it on, check on a neighbor, forgive that friend that hurt you feelings on yesterday and begin a new; a brand new day.  God bless you all
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A Stolen Life

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Writers Territory

I am beginning this blog to let the world know that there is a new writer in town.  One that is filled with com- passion for people.  I am a newly published author, I write spiritual poems and stories.  I do this in order to share my faith and to let the world know that you are not alone.  It is my sincere desire to encourage you to not to give up no matter what is going on around you in this world.  God is still on the throne, he meant what he said in his word that I will never leave you are forsake you. So, if there is anyone out there, that may have lost your way today? Look up! raise your hands high and proclaim victory over whatever the circumstances may be and decree that you will not die but live and declare the Lord's work.  I pray that I have said something that will give you hope for today.  Please check out my book "No Separate Roses" by Stephanie Duke online at amazon.com and barnesandnobles.com and also at publishamerica.com. Just type in the name of the book and my name.  God Bless you all.