Hi everyone out there in blog land,
Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, it is a day that we have never seen before and a day that we will not see again. So, it is important that we redeem the time for the days are evil. How many of you out there have noticed that time is going faster then it use too? I mean wow! 2012 is gone, and now we are faced with 2013. I know many of you want to make every minute count, to do things differently then last year. I myself want the same, but I know that it will not be easy. It is so easy to fall back into old habits, so, you really have to work at it. One thing for sure, we can't give up, even thou we may not succeed the first time; we pick ourselves up and start over again. I have done that so many times I can not count it. But, one thing I am sure of is that my Lord and savior is there for me, I would not be here if it wasn't for his protection and guidance, he has never left me are let me down. In this new year, I know that many of you will be faced with stress and anxieties; here are a few tips that I have found to be helpful:
1. Light some candles when you take a shower or bath.
2. Listen to some soothing music, I recommend, gospel, praise music or classical.
3. Put rose petal in your bath water.
4. Schedule time for yourself
5. Pray a lot.
recommendations: Glade scented candles my favorite, Joni Lamb cds.
Well, I will check in with you guys tomorrow, I hope that I have said something that was helpful.