Hi Everyone,
I hope that you all have had a super blessed day today, I know I have, just knowing that my savior is still on the throne and all power is in his hands; makes me want to shout. Hallelujah! I think God for saving me. Let's all give praise to the most high, who sits high and looks low; he allows the sun to shine on the just and the unjust. He is alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Which was and is and is to come. He is God all by himself; he created all and is all. He is El-Shaddai, El-elon, Jehovah Jirah our provider. He is all that I need and will ever need. Oh, nothing but a Holy Ghost party going on over here in Birmingham Al y'all. Got to love it! Oh! It was going to go something like this: I guess no one likes me out there in blog land no comments are any hints that anyone stopped by. Hence the reason why I entitled this post Cyb er spaced out but God did not want it to go that way. So, now I feel great knowing that he is in control. Peace, check y'all later.