Message for the People
Stephanie Duke
up! Give thanks on this day to the Lord above. For whether you know
it or not, you are his beloved. He will give you food for your body
and clothes for your back and no you do not have to pay him for that.
He knows all and sees all and that is a fact. He just wants you to
make a pact.
is the source for your spirit that is never ending. All he wants you
to do is make a new beginning. So, reach up to the Lord from on high
who is saying. "Do not worry; I will be there in a hurry."
So, before it is too late and you do not get in the gate. Give your
life so that you can tell the story, of the one true God, let us give
him the glory.
so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever
believeth in him shall not perish