On Friday December the 14th, 2012, innocent lives were taken abruptly from their families, their voices though silent in the natural, still speaks loud and clearly. Where is the Love? Where is the compassion for your fellow man? Don't let this keep happening over and over again; things have to change. There is something that is very wrong with our society that is creating these instruments of evil. We as a whole can come together and make a change. You may ask, what can I do? How can I help bring about a change? Well, my response to that is, like the song "Man In The Mirror", says it begins with you. First look at yourself and change the things about yourself first. Then you can help bring about a change in others. Pray for your family and your neighbors. reach out to others. Then, what God spoke through his angels, so many years ago at the birth of his son Jesus. "Peace On Earth and good will to all men." Will manifest in our lives, we can't keep evil from happening but we can do our part as God's children, in doing so we just may save a life or a soul. May God bless and keep you all always!
A small light can light up the whole room.
Be a light shining in the darkness!