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Friday, October 26, 2012
Good afternoon everyone, this is what is on my mind. I have been seeing a lot of stories this week of people committing suicide and it has weighed heavily on my heart. I just want to say to anyone out there that may be thinking about taking your own life, because you think it will end your pain and all your troubles may be over. Or you feel that it is something so awful that you just can't bare it and that suicide is the only way out. Well, WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG? and you kill yourself, than that's when your worse nightmare happens and there is no turning back because you only succeeded in killing you physical body and now you are face with an eternity of pain and troubles with no way out? It will be to late. So, even if you don't believe that there is life after death, can you take that chance? As long as you are alive in this life chances are that things can get better even if you are facing jail time for a horrific crime, if you look up and cry out to God to forgive you he will answer that call. So please don't pull that trigger or take those pills, your life is precious to God that is why he sent his son Jesus to die in your place so that you do not have to go to hell. God Bless you, I love you and so does God.