Hello, to all my friends and family and bloggers fans, I would like to welcome you to my word playground. Come in sit awhile,talk to me and I will talk back.

Monday, August 8, 2011

In The Valley The People All Rally

Well, it's a catchy title if I must say so myself.  It is from one of my poems that I wrote in my book, "No Separate Roses".  Which by the way I am very proud of, if anyone would have told me that I would be a published author some day.  I would have told them, no way! But here I am the author of a book that may seems unimportant to a lot of people, but it just might surprise others.  You see, I wrote it for Jesus, to let the world know that he is real, and that there is not anyone else or anything else on this earth that can compare to what he can do for you.  If you let him, he will take you to higher heights and deeper depths.  He will fight your battles, and even protect you when you do not even know you need it.  He is the greatest friend that you could ever have.  These are only just a few things that he will do for you and the greatest thing of all he has a gift that is just for you.  It is called salvation, now to get this gift all you have to do is, give him you hand and trust him with all that pertains to you.  All you have to do is believe in your heart that he came and died for you that you may have life and have it more abundantly.  Then things will change for the better.  God Bless, see you tomorrow.  In the mean time I hope you enjoy this poem and if you want more check out my book "No Separate Roses".  Peace

By Stephanie Duke
Plans, Gods perfect land for us. In the valley the people all
rally, to tell of his advance for us. Did you know that God
took a stand for us? As he stepped out and he danced, I trust,
and he said I think I will draw some plans, I must. Plans that
will get rid of that pesky old rust, Plans, to build, plans that
would heal; Plans, that reveal, plans that give back, plans to
keep us all on track. Plans to lie up, plans to take up, are all in
God's perfect makeup.